Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner – Paranormal Bigfoot II

Hello. Nice to see you again.

In this interview with Tim Renner and Joshua Cutchin, we talk about the information and revelations in the second (and final) volume of their “Where the Footprints End” project examining the case for a non-biological Bigfoot. Cutchin and Renner contend that there is far too much evidence that the creature is more ethereal than physical. Tim remarked that anomalous occurrences associated with sightings are fairly common, and often include UFOs, strange lights, and parapsychological phenomena, and which have been largely ignored by mainstream researchers, a term he has dubbed “weirdwashing.” This, both authors agree, is an apparent attempt to make the subject “respectable” and accepted by mainstream science.

Like UFO cases, Bigfoot sightings and encounters often vary in description between different witnesses. Josh pointed out that the image of the creature has changed in the last century, from more of a “wild man” (i.e. a human who lives outside the bounds of civilization) to a more savage portrayal since the mid-20th century, and this actually the opposite of what might be expected. We also talked about some of the stranger aspects Bigfoot/ human interaction such as curious (and often disturbing) reports of apparent mimicry of human speech and phases, the construction of glyphs made from sticks, structures which seem to serve no apparent purpose, and reports of UFOs sighted in the vicinity of Bigfoot activity, the instances of which Tim characterized as being “so many it’s ridiculous.”

The song at the end of the program is “Witch Tree Prophetess” By Tim Renner’s band Stonebreath.


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