2017 Year In Review with Tim Binnall

In what has become a tradition, longtime RM friend Tim Binnall joined me for a year-in-review simulcast. Tim gathers and writes some of the news for the Coast To Coast website, so he’s been on top of all the weirdness all year. For example, we started off talking about a supposed picture of lost aviator Amelia Earhart that surfaced early last year, but turned out to be a misidentification.  The big MUFON scandal was next under the lens. The second hour was taken up with a discussion of the elephant in the room: the New York Times UFO article release, which is coming up on its one-month anniversary.

In the second 2 hours, we spoke about the hot-and-not conspiracy theories and why they have become so popular and even mainstream. Then, we recapped my trip to speak at Roswell for the 70th anniversary this last year. Tim told us about a possible break in the DB Cooper hijacking case, and we ended with a remembrance of Jim Marrs and other authors and researchers who left us in 2017. At the end of the show, I stumped Tim’s Alexa with a few questions that it was unable to answer.

Enjoy the nearly 4 HOUR show. I have inserted a short “beep” at the break between the two segments.


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