Paul Kimball – Returning to Old Haunts

Last Sunday, I wasn’t planning to to record a live show, mainly because I was all the way out in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada attending researcher/ writer/ filmmaker and friend Paul Kimball’s wedding. Since he wasn’t leaving on a honeymoon right away, Paul actually suggested that we do the show live from his office. He’s dropping back into the UFO biz a little bit, so we got him up to speed, although it appears that he is already well on the way.

Recently off a provincial election, where he came in a respectable second in a field of five candidates, and about to continue location shooting for his new ghost hunting show Haunted, Paul took the time to comment on the recent release of (so-called) “MJ-12” documents, the recent scandal at MUFON, as well as some of the more exciting, mysterious and even creepy occurrences on the set of the show. At the end, we also had time to discuss the subject of skepticism, the value of open sources, and not jumping to conclusions.

Photo – Paul and Mr. Blueberry, Oxford, Nova Scotia.


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